Here are some of the most asked questions we get about summer camp!
“What time does camp begin on Sunday?”
Camp registration will begin at 2:30 p.m. each Sunday afternoon, and end at 5:00 p.m.
“What time does camp end?”
Each camp session will end on Friday by 1:00 p.m.
“How old does my child need to be to attend camp?”
Each session has its own age requirements and you can check out each session page for this information. The grade listed will be the grade they are going into in the next school year.
“Do I have to pay the late fee?”
There is a $25 late fee if a camper is registered for camp less than a week before their session begins.
“What if I don’t get my registration sent in?”
Registration this year will be online only.
“Can parents and guest visit during the week?”
We would love for you to come and experience camp with your children. Each evening (usually at 7 p.m.) there is a worship/devotional time in which you can visit. Check with individual director’s for exact time.
“What does a camper need to bring?”
The basic items are:
*Notebook and pen
*Clothes for the week
*Swimsuit and decent cover up
*shoes (tennis shoes for mountain and sports)
*cap or hat
*personal toiletries,toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb, towels, etc.
*Bedding: sheets, blanket, pillow, or sleeping bag, laundry bag
*Flashlight & Batteries
*Sunscreen & Insect repellant
*Items for skit and talent night (optional)
“Is there a dress code?”
Yes, we feel very strongly that we need to be modest and be a shining light to the world. No tank-tops, shorts/skirts need to be past mid-thigh. No low cut blouses or t-shirt. No clothing with inappropriate printing, and no saggy pants or shorts (no shown underwear).
“Can I bring my phone, ipod, etc?”
During camp, it is a wonderful way to get away from the world, and to focus your mind, heart, and soul on Jesus, so it is for the best if you leave all electronics at home.
“Are there other things I should not bring?”
Electronics, fireworks, matches, lighters, firearms, knives, tobacco products, alcohol, snacks (because of mice), and drugs.
“What about prescription medications?”
Each session will have a nurse, and all medications need to be turned in at registration on Sunday.
“Do campers need extra money during the week?”
Canteen is included in the camp fee. T-shirts will be for sale on the online registration form.
“Can I send my camper mail during the week?”
Campers LOVE to get mail. Please make sure and mail it early so it arrives during the week. Our address:
Camper’s Name
c/o QMCC
14696 N 2080 Rd.
Lone Wolf, OK 73655
“What can I do to help QMCC?”
*Pray for QMCC , teachers, and campers.
*Talk with your church about supporting QMCC.
*Personally contribute by giving your time, or monetarily by clicking the support tab on menu.
*Leaving camp in your will would help ensure that QMCC will be here another 50 years to keep spreading the Gospel.
If your question hasn’t been answered, feel free to give us a call.